The Scientific Journal of Cahul State University “Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu

The Scientific Journal of Cahul State University “Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu” 2022 (2/16)

1. Monumentele Brăilei (I). Biserica „Sfinții Arhangheli Mihail și Gavril” în arhiva Comisiunii Monumentelor Istorice

Costin Croitoru

pag. 11

2. The collectivization process of agriculture in the RSSM

Ion Șișcanu

pag. 65

3. The development of Romanian education in the context of the Constitution of 1923, of Unified Romania

Natalia Mafteuța

pag. 85

4. The penetration of narodnicist ideas in Bassarabia and the fight against them

Artur Leșcu

pag. 91

5. Sabbath rest. A biblical, theological and historical perspective

Iuliu-Emanuel Galea

pag. 109

6. The study of the Qur'an (the Book of divine revelation) which governs the health, soul and longevity of man

Igor Arsene

pag. 119

7. The originality of Barbu Delavrancea's work

Ludmila Balțatu

pag. 129

8. Limbă și comunicare: limbă și gândire

Alexandr Parahonco

pag. 137

9. Aerobics, means of preparing pregnant women for birth

Igor Arsene

pag. 145

10. Evaluation as an effective method of school physical education

Igor Arsene

pag. 153

11. Residents of RASSM (1924-1940) and RSSM (1940- 1941, 1941-1944) on Gulag construction sites

Ion Ghelețchi, Maria Zinovii

pag. 163

12. Historical collection monographic album: Burlacu commune

Victor Axentii, Ștefan Olteanu

pag. 167

13. Peculiarities of social intelligence in students from the perspective of professional personality profile

Natalia Mihăilescu, Maxim Ilicciev

pag. 169

14. Annexes

pag. 175